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03. June 2021

Three Signs of an Inefficient Data Retrieval System

If your data retrieval system isn't up to the task, your analysis will suffer. How do you know if your system is falling short?

One of the biggest challenges facing data analysts today is the sheer volume of data they have to sift through. Data processing and analysis cannot be done until the right data has been selected. However, the vast quantities of data enterprises have made that selection process difficult. If your data retrieval system isn't up to the task, your analysis will suffer. How do you know if your system is falling short?

1. Searches Yield Too Many Results

If your analysts try to retrieve specific data only to come up with a plethora of results, something's wrong with your system. When this happens, it means analysts have to spend extra hours comparing files to make sure that they have the correct data.

This retrieval problem is one of the most common, yet most overlooked. Because analysts ultimately do find the file they need, they tend to let the issue linger instead of trying to solve it.Ultimately, while it adds time to their work, the job still gets done. Solving the issue, however, would make your operations much more productive.

Possible Causes

A search yielding excessive results is most often caused by ROT data. The “R” and“O” are especially to blame. Redundant data means that duplicate files will be found whenever your analysts search. They then have to compare these files to determine which one to use.

On the other hand, outdated data can create problems at the end of the analysis process. If an outdated file is accidentally used instead of the latest version, the insights you derive will likewise be out of date.

The Solution

You need a system that can do more than just retrieve data. Your system has to also clean up your data for you. Redundant and outdated data is a sign that your organization doesn't have a firm grasp on its files. You don't know your data.

Implementing a data management platform that looks for ROT data and helps you eliminate it is the answer. Once you've removed ROT from your system, your analysts won't waste their time testing files like fruit at a farmers' market.

2. Searches Fail to Find the File

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we have an even bigger problem. When your search yields no results at all, or simply gives you lots of results but not the file you need, you've got serious issues. This throws a wrench right into the works and keeps your analysts from doing anything productive.

Possible Causes

There are many reasons why your search might leave you empty handed. One common cause is when your enterprise has its data trapped in data silos. When different departments manage data in their own way or use different programs, invisible walls keep you from getting to the data you need.

Another potential culprit is your data classification process. If your search is looking for a certain type of data, but your files haven't been properly tagged and classified, you could have trouble finding your data.

Yet another problem could be your search tool itself. If your analysts need unstructured data, but your search tool is unable to analyze the contents of these files, you'll probably get nothing from your search.

The Solution

The only way to crack open data silos is to have a single platform that can search through your entire organization. But even if you break down your data silos, how can you deal with unstructured data?

An automated platform with the ability to intelligently identify file contents, even in unstructured files, is the answer. The platform will parse all of your files and tag them accordingly, solving two problems at once.

3. Searches Yield Results, But Files Are Inaccessible

In this scenario, you find the data you need, but it's inaccessible due to permissions settings. The problem here is clear: Permissions are not being applied correctly. This could be due to faulty classification, human error, or an abundance of caution.

However, like in the previous case, if your platform correctly classifies your files the first time, then applying the appropriate permissions is a trivial affair. All you need to do is specify what access policy should be used for a given type of file and problem solved.

If any of these problems plague your organization, it's time to upgrade your data retrieval system. You need one that can do it all. Aparavi helps you understand your data by classifying it correctly, controlling access intelligently, and its search tool is best in class. Try now and ask for a data assessment today and say goodbye to your retrieval headache.